The Braeburn thermostat keeps resetting to 85: a guide to resolving the problem

If you have a Braeburn thermostat, you may have experienced the frustrating issue of the thermostat keeps resetting to 85 degrees.

This can be a significant problem when you can’t set the desired temperature and need your HVAC system to function correctly.

The Braeburn thermostat keeps resetting to 85: a guide to resolving the problem

In this article, we will explore the possible causes of why the thermostat keeps resetting to 85 and provide troubleshooting tips and solutions to help you fix it.

Explanation of the problem: thermostat keeps resetting to 85 degrees

It is crucial to address this issue promptly as it can lead to discomfort in your home, higher energy bills, and potential damage to your HVAC system.

The Braeburn thermostat keeps resetting to 85: a guide to resolving the problem

By understanding the root cause of the faulty thermostat problem, you can take steps to prevent it from happening again in the future.

Overview of the Braeburn thermostat

The Braeburn thermostat is a popular thermostat model that offers a range of features, including programmable cooling configurations, temperature alerts, and energy-saving modes.

The Braeburn thermostat keeps resetting to 85: a guide to resolving the problem

This thermostat model is designed to regulate the temperature in your home or office, keeping you comfortable while also saving energy.

Key features

Programmable schedules and accurate temperature settings. You can set the smart thermostat to adjust the pre-programmed temperature based on your preferred schedule.

This feature allows you to save energy if you reprogram cooling schedules when you are not at home.

Temperature alerts. The thermostat can send alerts to your phone or email if the temperature in your home falls outside of your preferred range.

Energy-saving modes. The thermostat can automatically adjust the temperature to save energy, such as by changing the heating or cooling mode during peak energy usage hours.

User-friendly interface. The thermostat features a user-friendly interface that allows you to easily adjust settings and program schedules with a circuit breaker.

Compatibility with various HVAC systems. The Braeburn thermostat anticipates being used with a wide range of HVAC systems, making it a versatile option for many homes and offices.

By understanding the features of the Braeburn thermostat, you can take full advantage of its capabilities and ensure that it is functioning correctly in cooling modes to maintain a comfortable temperature in your home or office.

Possible reasons why the thermostat is resetting to 85 degrees

There are several possible reasons why your Braeburn thermostat is resetting to 85 degrees, including:

Incorrect factory setting of the pre-programmed temperature. The AC thermostat may have been set to 85 degrees accidentally, or a programming error may have occurred in the internal circuit board.

The Braeburn thermostat keeps resetting to 85: a guide to resolving the problem

Electrical components or wiring issues, blown fuse. Loose or damaged wiring or a blown fuse can cause the thermostat to malfunction, leading to a reset to 85 degrees.

HVAC system issues. If there is a problem with your heating or cooling system, the thermostat may be reset to a default temperature of 85 degrees.

Dirty air filter. A clogged air filter can cause the HVAC to work harder than it needs to, leading to overheating and a thermostat reset.

Malfunctioning non-programmable thermostat. If none of the above issues are present, the non-programmable thermostat may be malfunctioning, requiring repair or replacement.

Understanding the potential causes of the 85-degree reset issue can help you troubleshoot the problem more effectively.

Troubleshooting the 85-degree reset issue

In this section, we will provide a step-by-step guide to help you troubleshoot the 85-degree reset issue with your Braeburn thermostat.

The Braeburn thermostat keeps resetting to 85: a guide to resolving the problem

A step-by-step guide to diagnosing the problem

If your Braeburn thermostat continues resetting to 85 degrees, here is a step-by-step guide to troubleshooting the issue:

  1. Check the thermostat’s settings

Make sure that the thermostat is set to the correct temperature and that any programmed schedules are accurate.

If necessary, manually reset the AC thermostat to its default settings with the help of the circuit breaker and try again.

  1. Check the thermostat fuse, wiring, and connections

Inspect the wiring and connections to ensure that they are secure and not damaged.

Wiring issues, or if the thermostat blows a fuse can cause the thermostat to malfunction, leading to a reset to 85 degrees.

  1. Check the HVAC system and air filter

If the wiring and settings are correct, check the HVAC and the air filter for any issues.

A dirty air filter can cause this system to work harder than it needs to, leading to overheating and a thermostat reset.

  1. Other possible causes

If none of the above steps resolve the issue, there may be other potential causes, such as a malfunctioning thermostat.

In this case, you may need to hire a professional to diagnose and fix the problem.

By following these steps, you can diagnose the cause of the 85-degree reset issue and take the appropriate steps to fix it.

Fixing the 85-degree reset issue

Once you have identified the cause of the incorrect temperatures, there are several steps you can take to fix the problem.

The Braeburn thermostat keeps resetting to 85: a guide to resolving the problem

Steps for fixing the issue

  1. Adjusting the thermostat’s settings

If the problem is due to incorrect settings or programming, adjust the thermostat’s settings accordingly with the help of the circuit breaker.

  1. Replacing thermostat batteries, and faulty electrical components

If the issue is due to faulty wiring or components, such as a damaged thermostat or HVAC system component, you may need to replace the damaged part.

  1. Hiring a professional to assist with repairs

If you are unsure of the cause of the problem or are uncomfortable making repairs on your own, it is best to hire a professional to diagnose and fix the issue.

By taking these steps, you can fix the 85-degree reset issue with your Braeburn AC thermostat and ensure that it is functioning correctly to maintain a comfortable temperature in your home or office.

The Braeburn thermostat keeps resetting to 85: a guide to resolving the problem

Tips for fixing the issue

  1. Press the reset button, power off the thermostat, and wait for a few minutes before powering it back on. This may help to reset the thermostat and resolve any software-related issues.
  2. Press the reset button again. Ensure that the thermostat is receiving power. Check the batteries or power source to make sure that it is working correctly.
  3. Check the air filter and HVAC system for any issues. A dirty air filter or a malfunctioning system can cause the thermostat to reset to 85 degrees.
  4. Check for any firmware updates for your thermostat. Installing the latest updates may help to fix any software-related issues.

If you are unable to fix the issue on your own, consider contacting an experienced HVAC technician for assistance.

Preventing future issues

After resolving the 85-degree reset issue with your Braeburn thermostat, it is important to take steps to prevent the problem from happening again in the future.

The Braeburn thermostat keeps resetting to 85: a guide to resolving the problem

Maintenance tips to consider

  1. Clean or replace the air filter regularly to ensure proper airflow and prevent overheating.
  2. Schedule routine maintenance for your HVAC system to ensure that it is functioning correctly and not putting undue stress on the thermostat.
  3. Check the wiring and connections periodically to ensure that they are secure and not damaged.
  4. Keep the thermostat away from sources of heat or direct sunlight, as this can cause it to malfunction.
  5. Install a surge protector to protect your thermostat from power surges or outages.
  6. Don’t freeze the thermostat, or there may be a frozen outdoor unit.

Signs that it may be time to buy a new thermostat

In some cases, it may be necessary to replace the thermostat entirely.

Here are some signs that it may be time to buy a new thermostat:

  1. It is more than 10 years old and no longer functioning correctly.
  2. Not all thermostats are compatible with your HVAC system or have the features you need.
  3. You have had recurring issues with the non-programmable thermostats despite attempts to fix them.

By following these maintenance tips and knowing when to replace your thermostat, you can prevent future issues and ensure that your heating and cooling system is functioning efficiently.

Final words

In conclusion, the incorrect temperatures issue with your Braeburn thermostat can be frustrating and uncomfortable when you can’t get the desired temperature in cooling modes.

However, by following the steps outlined in this article, you can diagnose and fix the problem, and take steps to prevent it from happening again in the future.

First, it is important to understand the features and potential causes of the problem with your Braeburn thermostat.

Then, follow the troubleshooting steps to diagnose the issue and take steps to fix it, depending on the cause.

Finally, consider maintenance tips and when to replace the thermostat to prevent future issues.

In summary, the best approach to addressing the 85-degree reset issue with your Braeburn thermostat is to be patient, take a systematic approach to troubleshooting, and seek experienced HVAC technician assistance if necessary.

By doing so, you can ensure that your thermostat is functioning correctly and providing comfortable temperatures in your home or office.

Frequently asked questions

Here we provide brief answers to common questions related to the issue of the Braeburn thermostat resetting to 85 degrees and changing the set temperature.

This section aims to provide additional clarity and insight into the issue and help users troubleshoot and resolve common problems.

Why does my thermostat keep changing to 85?

The most common reason why a thermostat would change to 85 degrees is due to a default setting.

This could be caused by a power outage, a reset, or a software glitch.

In some cases, it may also be due to faulty wiring or other hardware issues.

Why does my thermostat keep changing the set temperature?

This could be due to several reasons, including incorrect programming, a malfunctioning thermostat, or a faulty HVAC system.

It is important to diagnose the problem to determine the cause and take appropriate steps to fix it.

How do I stop my thermostat from changing temperature?

The first step is to identify the cause of the problem.

Check the thermostat’s settings, ensure that it is receiving power, and inspect the HVAC system for any issues.

If the problem persists, consider seeking professional assistance.

Why won’t my thermostat stay where I set it?

This could be due to several reasons, including incorrect settings, a malfunctioning thermostat, or a faulty HVAC system.

It is important to diagnose the problem to determine the cause and take appropriate steps to fix it.

If necessary, consider seeking professional assistance.

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Robert Brooks

I have an engineering background. I have my own house, where I live with my wife and children. I want to say that the most important thing when equipping a house is to choose the right heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems.

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